
      In 2011, the party committees and governments of 15 eastern provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities continued to attach great importance to the East-West pairing-off cooperation for poverty reduction. Adhering to the guideline of “taking government assistance as the basis, business cooperation as the platform, social assistance as supplementation and personnel exchange as the link”, the government further clarified the key points, strengthened relevant measures and made steady progress in the East-West pairing-off cooperation for poverty reduction. The government assistance funds, business cooperation projects, social assistance materials and the organized labor transfers all increased over 2010, effectively accelerating the overall process of poverty alleviation and development work. In 2011, according to statistics, the eastern provinces and municipalities provided a total of financial aid of 840.264 million Yuan to the western poverty-stricken areas, up 21.8% over 2010, built 147 schools, 80 hospitals, highroads of 1012.71 kilometers and basic farmland of 52,500 mu, solved the drinking water problem of 326,300 people and 154,600 heads of livestock; mobilized social forces to donate 59.9949 million Yuan in cash and 45.5788 million Yuan in kind and sent 288 volunteers to the western regions; the number of cooperative enterprises and collaboration agreements respectively reached 195 and 2216 and the investment in cooperation amounted to 120.128 billion Yuan. 473 party and government cadres were sent to the western regions for exchange and 123 trainings were held for 4,686 person-times. Meanwhile, the eastern provinces and municipalities organized technical personnel exchanges for 1,035 person-times through holding 161 trainings and transferred 15 technologies; organized labor export for 188,733 person-times, 3.9 times that of 2010, and held 156 training courses for 436,615 person-times. 


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