Basic Work

    【Focus on Party building to promote poverty alleviation】In 2016, adhering to the guidance of CPC Central Committee General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and the poverty alleviation and development strategy, taking the requirements for comprehensively strengthening Party discipline as the main line, to achieve the overall objectives of fighting poverty, the Party Committee for the Organs of LGOP established“five development ideas”, strengthened the learning of theories, strictly regulated organizational life, intensified the construction of grassroots organizations, and promoted the construction of the party conduct and of an honest and clean government as well as anticorruption work, creating a good atmosphere for Party building and cohesive.force forming to promote poverty reduction, and for work style changing to seek actual effects, providing a strong guarantee for the realization of“a good start”of the poverty reduction in the “13th Five-Year Plan”period. 
    Carry out the activity of“two studies, one action”. In accordance with the working idea of“promoting Party building for poverty alleviation, doing a good job of Party building to promote poverty alleviation”, we made innovations to the patterns, carefully organized relevant activities, focused on problem addressing, strengthened the rectification, served the overall situation and strived to achieve“two promotion with two hands”. First, adhere to the normal learning and consolidate the basis of“learning”. LGOP Party Group developed the learning and education program of“two studies, one action”, highlighting the characteristics of poverty alleviation, and made innovations to the working methods, achieving good organization, effective development and implementation of relevant measures. Focus on strengthening theoretical study. Organized departmental and bureau leaders to participate in special trainings, participated in the compilation and publication of“Excerpts of Xi Jinping’s Exposition on Poverty Alleviation and Development”, and purchased and distributed 27 kinds of learning guidance materials. Promote the demonstration study of leading Party group. Developed the“2016 Study Plan of LGOP Party Group”, improved the system for study of special subjects, and coordinated and urged members of Leading Party Group to give Party lectures and attend the activities of the Party branches. The central leading Party group organized learning activities on one subject every month, and organized a total of 21 learning activities in 2016. Strengthen staff training and learning. By holding trainings, organizing Party lectures and establishing Masonic auditorium, we actively organized Party members and cadres to participate in the activities of Party schools and various trainings and learning activities, and organized the holding and participated in a total of 23 trainings for 73 person-times. Use new media to create APP for Party building so as to promote the mutual-learning and exchange between Party members and cadres. Carry out in-depth study on specific topics. Combined with the actual situation of poverty alleviation work, the Party branches are required to carry out a special study and discussion activity on“Four Principles and Four Requirements”every two months. The learning and discussion activities are combined with the people and events around us. In particular, we should learn from Comrade Li Baoguo and Comrade Jiang Shikun, learn from the national poverty alleviation award winners and the advanced model of the national poverty alleviation system, and learn from the Excellent Communist Party members of the poverty alleviation departments nationwide. Give full play to the leading role of advanced models. Each branch should conduct at least four or more concentrated study and discussion activities. Keep pace with the deployments and study in time. Organized an in-depth study of the CPC Central Committee General Secretary Xi Jinping’s“July 1st Speech”and important speech at the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army’s Long March, guided Party members to remember the Party’s mission, not forget their original intention, move forward and always keep their commitment to the people; guided Party members to remember that revolutionary ideals.rise above all else, carry forward the great spirit of the long march and strive to win the tough battle against poverty. After the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the Party issued the“Opinions of LGOP Party Group on the Arrangements for Learning the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee”, combined the learning and implementation of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee with the education of“Two Studies, One Action”, and organized five special studies. Strengthen inspection and promote learning activities. Incorporate study and education into the scope of the party branches’ debriefing appraisal, make clear the responsibilities of the first responsible person of each Party branch and earnestly implement the system of“double duties of one work position”. The Party Committee for the Organs of LGOP announces the key points of Party building work every month and the arrangements about“Two Studies, One Action”, holds Party branch secretary meeting for learning, and urges the Party secretaries to participate in the learning and discussions. In July this year, we organized all Party members to take part in the knowledge test of party constitution and party rules, sent someone to attend the competitions organized by the state organs and won the outstanding organization award. Second, continue to solve outstanding problems and focus on the key work of“rectification”. The Party Committee for the Organs of LGOP conscientiously implements the work, LGOP Party Group always adheres to the problem-oriented learning, pays attention to learning in investigation and reform, and constantly improves the outcomes of the education of“Two Studies, One Action”to meet the requirements of poverty reduction. A good job was done in the following aspects. Fully problem revealing. Sum up the problems in the centralized observation of the remediation of“four tendencies”and special inspection, discipline violations in the use of poverty-relief funds, and the problem of formalism in poverty alleviation, find out prominent problems and analyze the causes of the problems. Strictly push forward the rectification work. Earnestly organize and carry out the rectification of“four tendencies”and problems in special inspections. To solve the 14 problems pointed out by Discipline inspection group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in the Ministry of Agriculture and the 17 problems pointed out by the first special inspection group of the Discipline Committee of Central State Organs, we listed the rectification responsibilities, made clear the responsible leaders, responsible units and deadline for rectification. 25 problems have been completely solved, and 6 problems are under rectification. Earnestly urged the implementation of audit rectification, urged and guided provinces to conduct timely rectification to the discipline violations in the use of financial anti-poverty funds discovered in the audit in 2013, 2015 and 2016, and held talks with the principals of the relevant local governments. Urged the reform of the poverty-relief fund management mechanism, cleaned up the special projects and pilot projects of development funds, speeded up the allocation of poverty-relief funds, delegated the fund and project approval authority and supported poor counties to launch pilot projects of integrated use of funds. Participated and organized relevant assessment and inspection, carried out trial assessment of the anti-poverty work of 22 central and western provinces in 2015, and organized the supervision and inspection to promote the anti-poverty work in local areas. Coordinate the establishment of long-term mechanisms. Turned“Two Studies, One Action”into a powerful driving force of seeing Party self-governance exercised fully and with rigor and clean and sunshine poverty reduction work. Cooperated with the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to carry out supervision over discipline execution and accountability, did a good job of punishing and preventing duty-related crimes in conjunction with the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, strengthened system construction and performance evaluation in conjunction with the Department of Planning and Finance and the Ministry of Finance, organized warning education activities in the field of poverty alleviation, gave play to the role of the hotline of“12317”in the supervision of poverty alleviation work, pushed forward the improvement of the project funding announcement system and strived to prevent duty-related crimes. Gave regularly warning and timely reminder to Party members and cadres and implemented the spirit of fighting“four tendencies”in the whole process of poverty reduction so that the poverty alleviation departments will always implement the spirit of eight provisions of the Central Committee. Third, adhere to the core of“doing”in poverty alleviation. LGOP Party Group takes serving poverty alleviation as the main objective of“Two Studies, One Action”and an important criterion to test the effectiveness of learning education. The Party Committee for the Organs of LGOP attached importance to giving full play to the leading role of Party building, actively guided the reform and innovation made by Party members and cadres based on their work positions, and encouraged them to promote anti-poverty work with practical actions. Establish the responsibility system and strengthen the organization and leadership of poverty alleviation. Improved the working mechanism whereby the central government makes overall plans, provincial-level governments take overall responsibility, and city and county governments ensure implementation. The main principals of the Party committees and governments of 22 central and western provinces signed the letter of responsibility for poverty reduction to the central government, the chief Party and government officials of 832 poor counties remain unchanged, city, county and village cadres all made a pledge to reduce poverty, and the Party secretaries at the provincial, city, county, township and village level work together in poverty alleviation. Establish a policy system and strengthen policy guarantee for poverty alleviation. According to the central government’s decision on poverty alleviation, to implement the“Decision of the Decision of the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council on Winning the Tough Battle against Poverty”, the General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC and the General Office of the State Council introduced ten supporting documents of the“Decision”. All relevant departments have issued 101 policy documents or implementation plans, and all provinces have promulgated and improved the“1+N”poverty alleviation policy initiatives, basically establishing the policy system of targeted poverty alleviation. Establish the institutional system and strengthen institutional guarantee for poverty alleviation. We have successively established the mechanism for the assessment of the effectiveness of poverty alleviation and development, the poor county restraint mechanism, the poverty exit mechanism, the third-party evaluation mechanism, the poverty alleviation supervision and inspection mechanism, and the poverty alleviation responsibility system, etc., creating a good institutional environment for targeted poverty alleviation. Establish the social mobilization system and strengthen join force for anti-poverty work. The level of cooperation between the eastern and west regions in poverty alleviation was further enhanced, the fixed-point poverty alleviation work of party and government organs, enterprises and public institutions further focused on targeted poverty reduction, and various enterprises, social organizations and individual citizens actively get involved, creating a strong atmosphere for social poverty alleviation. Establish the system for targeted poverty alleviation and strengthening the foundation of poverty alleviation. Improved the filing riser, and made clear the distribution situation of poverty-stricken population, the causes of poverty and the masses’ demand for shaking off poverty. Strengthened village-stationed support, sent 540,000 first secretaries and village-stationed cadres to the impoverished villages, arranged village-stationed work teams for 128,000 registered poor villages and arranged responsible persons for reducing poverty among more than 55 million poor people. Through the learning education of“Two Studies, One Action”, the Party members and cadres of poverty alleviation departments are more confident in four aspects, more clear in“four consciousness”, resolutely safeguard the authority of the Central Committee of CPC, keep high consistency with the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and earnestly implement the central government’s decisions with a determined attitude. Comrade Liu Wei was titled as the Advanced Individual of the national poverty alleviation system, and Lv Yan and Su Guoxia were titled as Excellent Communist Party Members and Excellent Party Workers by the State Organs Work Committee of the CPC. The information center system was titled as the Advanced Unit of the poverty alleviation system, and the Party branch of the Information Center was titled as the Advanced Party Branch of the State Organs Work Committee of the CPC.
    Seven key tasks in party building. In 2016, the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee made special arrangements for 7 key tasks, such as centralized investigation of Party members’ organizational relations, the LGOP Party Group attached great importance to it, and the Party Committee for the Organs of LGOP actively pushed forward the relevant work in accordance with the central government’s deployment and the requirements of the LGOP Party Group. First, check out one by one, safe disposal, and carry out centralized investigation of Party members’ organizational relations. Issued the“Circular on Promoting the Centralized Investigation of Party Members’ Organizational Relations in the Learning Education of Two Studies and One Action”, used one year to carry out centralized investigation into the organizational relations of 245 CPC members of 13 Party branches, discovered one missing Party member and one Party member who needs to be punished by the CPC. Now, we’re checking the situation of Party membership dues payment and organizing the recovery of organizational relationship receipts. Second, carry out a comprehensive investigation covering all Party members, and carry out a centralized investigation into the unpunished law violations of Party Congress representatives and Party members. The“Notice on the Investigation into the Unpunished Law and Discipline Violations of Party Members, Representatives of the Party Congress, Deputies to the People’s Congress and CPPCC Members”was issued. The Party branches all carried out comprehensive investigations and checked the relevant information of 245 Party members one by one, but did not find any unpunished law and discipline violations of Party members. The work has been done and the results have been reported to the State Organs Work Committee of the CPC. Third, standardize relevant procedures, carry out classified promotion work and conduct a special inspection on the regular election of grassroots party cadres. The Party Committee for the Organs of LGOP guided the relevant Party branches to carry out the regular election and by-election work as required according to the relevant procedures. Eight Party branches all completed the election work, two Party branches completed the re-election and by-election of the Party branch leaders, and two branches are pushing forward the regular election work in accordance with the relevant procedures. After the regular election of Party branches, the State Organs Work Committee and Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC launched the regular election work. Also, we strengthened the pre-service training of the members of“two new committees”and the secretaries and members of Party branches. Fourth, make clear the actual situation, develop strict standards and organize a special inspection on the collection and payment of Party membership dues. Issued the“Notice on Further Regulating the Payment of Party Membership Dues”and the“Notice on Carrying out A Special Inspection over the Collection and Payment of Party Membership Dues in the Learning Education of ‘Two Studies, One Action’”, and made clear that the first Friday every month is the date to pay the Party membership dues and the Party members should take the initiative to pay the Party membership dues in full to their Party branches every month. The Party membership dues payment details of the CPC members since April 2008 were presented. Party members were required to pay the Party membership dues they owed, and 200,000 yuan of owed Party membership dues was received. Fifth, distinguish categories, steadily push forward the relevant work, and achieve the full coverage of NGOs and Party organizations and work. The Party Committee for the Organs of LGOP went to the China Association of Poverty Alleviation and Development, China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and Youchange Entrepreneur Association for field survey and guided the work of the social groups of these three NGOs that achieved the full coverage of Party organizations and work. Actively negotiated with China Council for the Promotion of Construction in the Old Revolutionary Areas and China Poverty-Alleviation Promotion of Volunteer Service to speed up the establishment of temporary Party organizations, and completed the relevant work during the year. Sixth, carry out in-depth study and explore the way to strengthen state organs’ Party building for poverty alleviation based on the actual situation. With the theme of“taking the initiative in the poverty alleviation work”, the Fourth Seminar on the Party Building of County Organs was held in Wuzhong City of Ningxia jointly with the“Tower of Violet Light”and the Work Committee of the organs directly affiliated to Ningxia Autonomous Region. Organized the Party branches and the counties involved in fixed-point poverty alleviation and counterpart support to implement the action of“Party branch contacting impoverished villages, Party members contacting poor households”, carried out the activity themed on“working together to promote poverty alleviation in the ‘13th Five-Year Plan’ period”, and intensified the study on many issues, such as improving the grassroots organizations’ work, improving the work mechanism for village-stationed support, making clear the responsibilities of village-stationed cadres, strengthening guidance on training, strengthening service guarantee, and helping poor villages’ Party organizations enhance motive force and vitality and give play to their combat effectiveness. This year, the Party Committee for the Organs of LGOP participated in the paper appraisal through comparison organized by the State Organs Work Committee of the CPC, and the research paper on Party building of the Development Center won the first prize. Seventh, carry out strict rectification, pay attention to the long-term effects, and carry out the special rectification of“lamp shadow”for Party members’ learning education. Conscientiously implemented the“Work Plan for the Education and Training of All Party Members (2014-2018)”, held Party members trainings in various forms, strived to improve the training methods and made careful arrangements of the training time and contents. Formulated and issued the“Work Plan for the Special Rectification of“Lamp Shadow”for Party Members’ Learning Education”, implemented the system of“Three Meetings One Lesson”, developed the“Party branch work manual”, implemented the learning plan, created the work ledger, developed strict regulations on organization life, made innovations to the working methods of Party branches and urged secretaries of Party branches to perform their duties. Carefully organized various forms of activities, and created a good atmosphere for learning. 
    Construction of party conduct and clean government and anti-corruption work. LGOP Party Group attaches great importance to the construction of party conduct and clean government and anti-corruption work, strives to create an honest, clean and responsible team of poverty alleviation cadres, always keeps in mind the anti-corruption work, makes good use of the“four forms”of supervision over discipline execution, and resolutely investigate and punish duty-related crimes in the field of poverty reduction to ensure that the spirit of the eight provisions of the central government will be effectively implemented. The Party Committee for the Organs of LGOP strictly implemented the main responsibility and strengthened the supervision. First, make deployments of key work. Formulated the“Key Points of Party Building Work of LGOP Organs in 2016”and the“Key Points of the Party Discipline Inspection Work of LGOP Organs in 2016”, and stepped up the implementation of“two responsibilities”. The conference on the Party Work and Party Discipline Inspection Work of LGOP in 2016 and the meeting on Party conduct and clean government construction and anti-corruption work of LGOP were convened. Comrade Yongfu delivered a keynote speech at the event and made overall deployments and specific arrangements on the Party work and discipline inspection work of LGOP. Second, effectively strengthen the system construction. Implemented the implementation plan of the Work Committee for comprehensively strengthening Party self-discipline, formulated and issued the“Opinions on LGOP Party Group’s Implementation of Comprehensively Strengthening Party Self-Discipline”and the“Regulations of LGOP on Risk Prevention and Control for Clean Government”, revised the“LGOP Handbook of Risk Prevention and Control for Clean Government”, and established the monthly arrangement system of Party building and the monthly reporting system of Party conduct and clean government construction. Third, hold trainings of discipline inspection cadres. Organized and participated in the training of discipline committee secretaries, arranged a total of 10 discipline inspection cadres from the Party branches to attend Beidaihe training for the discipline inspection group of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission in the Ministry of Agriculture, carefully organized the relevant activities, and further enhanced the participants’ awareness of rules and discipline and ability of supervision and accountability through in-depth study and experience sharing. The Party Committee for the Organs of LGOP organized two trainings of discipline inspection committee members of the party branches for 30 person-times. Fourth, organize warning education. Issued to all Party members and cadres the“Honesty and Self-discipline Guideline of the CPC”, the“Disciplinary Regulations of the CPC”, the“Accountability Regulations of the CPC”, the“Code of Conduct for Intraparty Political Life under New Circumstances”and the“Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Internal Oversight”, etc.; issued the“Warning Records of Illegal Cases in Poverty Alleviation”, actively organized the warning education activities of poverty reduction departments and issued the activity plans. Organized the Party members and cadres at or above the level of deputy division head to see the film of“Never Forgive”about incorrupt government, and the Party branches were required to carefully see the education film of“Always on the Way”. Fifth, strict implementation of supervision and disciplines. Actively cooperate with the discipline inspection group of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission in the Ministry of Agriculture in the centralized inspection of the problem of“four tendencies”, and organized supervision over the implementation of eight regulations, the field survey on private deposit of public funds, transfer clues verification and special inspection and rectification work. Organized the rectification of 14 problems, participated in cadre inspection, assessment and democratic evaluation within the management authority, gave advice for cadre selection; carried out careful investigation and verification of the reported clues in the form of interview and letters; carried out internal control and inspection over the units affiliated to LGOP and implemented strict supervision over the procedures of relevant work. Actively cooperated with the Supreme People’s Procuratorate in the centralized remediation and preventing duty-related crimes in the field of poverty reduction to promote sunshine and clean anti-poverty work; issued the“Notice on the Prevention of ‘Four Tendencies’ from Rebounding during the Mid-autumn Festival and the National Day”to ensure early deployments are made to prevent“Four Tendencies”in important festivals such as the Mid-autumn Festival and the National Day, adopted effective measures to do a good job of supervision and inspection, and timely reported to the Discipline Committee. Sixth, strengthen special inspection and rectification. Cooperated with the First Special Inspection Group of the State Organs Discipline Committee of the CPC to carry out special inspection over the rectification situation, issued the“Rectification Work Plan Based on the Feedbacks of the Inspection Group of the State Organs Discipline Committee of the CPC”in the name of LGOP Party Group according to the feedbacks of the inspection group; listed 17 problems in three kinds, made clear the rectification responsibility, formulated corrective measures, and organized special action of rectification. Prepared the“Report of LGOP Party Group on the Rectification Situation Found in the Special Inspection”according to the rectification situation of each unit and submitted to the discipline committee in a timely manner. 
    Party building to promote mass work. Adhering to Party building to promote mass work, the Party Committee for the Organs of LGOP strengthened the leadership of the mass work, becoming a bridge and link for the Party to contact and serve the masses, forming a strong power to reduce poverty. First, make clear the work direction and strengthen the guidance. Seriously studied and implemented the spirit of the Central Mass Group Work Conference, made clear the position of mass group work, analyzed the current situation and tasks, enhanced the sense of responsibility and mission of heads of mass organizations so that they would be more determined to do a good job. In the case of personnel changes and great difficulty in completing the general election, temporary responsible comrades were highly responsible and did a good job. The Party Committee for the Organs of LGOP often work together with the responsible comrades of the trade union, women committee and Communist Youth League Committee, guided them to carry out field survey, and held a forum to listen to the voice of the masses. At the same time, we strongly supported them to work independently according to relevant regulations, and strengthened ties with the mass organizations and associate organizations to promote the relevant work. Second, make innovations to the form of mass group work. Adhering to the main theme, we strived to carry forward positive energy and create a good atmosphere, and actively promoted the relevant work. The trade union organized 100 comrades to watch the artistic performance of“Dreams Coming True”organized by the Tibet Association in Beijing. Seriously carried out the warmth delivery activity, and sent condolence to 13 Party members and workers living in poverty to make them feel the love and warmth from Party organizations. The Communist Youth League organized and participated in the field research and practice activities of young cadres in the central government organs in 2016. As the first group of the key research group, 9 comrades from 8 departments participated in the investigation. Two groups were sent to carry out field survey on relevant work in the two villages with“first secretary”dispatched by LGOP. Ding Manxin and Yan Yan were titled as Excellent Youth League Member and Outstanding Cadre of Communist Youth League of China respectively. The Women’s Committee organized activities to commemorate the“March 8th”International Women’s Day in 2016. Yang Lian was titled as the National“March 8th Red-banner”, and Wen Huifang was rewarded by the Women and Children Work Committee. Third, enrich the cultural life of state organs. Organized Party members and cadres to watch the performance of the central state organs to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the long march of the Chinese Red Army; participated in the“activity of creating good family tradition”organized by the work committee and the activity of“Chinese soul”to learn classical culture; and organized and completed the third official document writing contest of the central state organs, and five comrades of LGOP won the Nomination Award. Organized the tour of the third batch of mental health caravans of the central state organs, continued to carry out the walking activity, organized and participated in the second stage of walking activity of“walking ten thousand steps every day”of the central state organs; attended the sixth basketball game of the central state organs, and took part in the Taiji pushing hands training, bridge training, tennis training, activities of the Table Tennis Association, etc.. These activities enriched the cultural life of the relevant units and workers, and enhanced the centripetal force and cohesion. Fourth, push forward the fixed-point poverty alleviation. Under the leadership of Leading Group for Fixed-point Poverty Alleviation, we made overall deployments and coordinated the fixed-point poverty alleviation work of LGOP, and held six work conferences in Weiyuan, Leishan and Beijing together with the relevant comrades from the two counties. Director General Yongfu and the relevant leaders of LGOP were present at the event. The relevant divisions, affiliated units and social groups carried out field research, business training, counterpart support, cadre dispatch and capacity building activities. During the“October 17th”Activity, we coordinated the two counties to attend the relevant forum for exchange and carried out the docking work of eight villages for pairing-off poverty reduction. 
    (Wang Anfu, Party Committee for the Organs of LGOP)
    【Filing riser】 In early 2016, the Information Center of LGOP organized the poverty alleviation departments at all levels to carry out the dynamic management and information collection of the poverty reduction objects in 2015, forming the basic data and dynamic management information of the poverty alleviation objects in 2016. During that period, we continued to carry out the filing riser and“looking back”activity and completed the work at the end of May. 
    In terms of the data quality problems in the poverty alleviation and development information system, such as the lack of key indicators, abnormal data, false logical relationship between data and ID number repeat, through special training, notification and issuance of data list, and providing query and positioning function in the information system, we urged local poverty alleviation departments to carry out data cleaning work, greatly improving the quality of poverty alleviation and development data. 
    We completed the preparation of the“Analysis of the Annual Data of National Poverty Alleviation and Development in 2016”, analyzed the poverty alleviation objects based on different indicators, and completed the writing of special analysis reports on disabled poor population and the poor among minority people. 
    At the end of 2016, poverty alleviation departments at all levels were organized to carry out the dynamic management of the information collection of poverty reduction objects in 2016, creating the basic data of the poverty reduction objects in 2017 as well as the dynamic management information of the poor, such as the poverty reduction or returning situation of poor households, the new recognition of poor households, the natural change of family members of poor households, and so on. 
    (Gong Ke, Information Center of LGOP)
    【Support of village-stationed cadres】Improving the mechanism of village-stationed cadres to help the poor is an important organizational guarantee for the implementation of targeted poverty alleviation strategy. Local governments all pushed forward the work in accordance with the central government’s decision and arrangements. 28 provinces (not including Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai) dispatched a total of 128,000 village-stationed work teams and more than 775,000 village-stationed cadres to the impoverished villages. As a result, all poor villages are equipped with village-stationed work teams and all poverty-stricken households are arranged poverty reduction responsible persons. The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the LGOP held three trainings for 334 first secretaries sent by the central state organs. 
    In September 2016, LGOP held a national training course (on-site meeting) of village-stationed cadres’ poverty reduction in Guyuan City of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Relevant principals and business heads of the poverty alleviation offices (bureaus) of 30 provinces (excluding Shanghai) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps attended the event. Deputy Director General of LGOP Zheng Wenkai delivered a speech at the meeting. Relevant leaders and poverty alleviation office heads of various cities and poor counties in Ningxia were present at the event. The training course conveyed the spirit of the important speech delivered by Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee at the Symposium on the Cooperation between the East and the West in Poverty Alleviation, and introduced the current situation and key work of fighting poverty. Relevant representatives of Ningxia, Shandong, Henan, Hunan, Sichuan and Yunnan as well as the two village-stationed cadres selected by the Justice Department of Hebei Province and Gansu Provincial Literary Federation delivered speeches at the meeting. The event deepened our understanding of the General Secretary Xi Jinping’s poverty alleviation and development strategy, especially the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the Symposium on the Cooperation between the East and the West in Poverty Alleviation, enhanced the sense of responsibility and mission of the village-stationed cadres at all levels, and carefully listened to the advices and suggestions given by the grassroots comrades on the improvement of relevant work, giving a clear direction for the next step.
    (Ma Hongchen, Department of Policies and Regulations of LGOP)
    【Informatization construction for poverty alleviation and development】 In 2016, the Information Center of LGOP upgraded the poverty alleviation and development information system management sub-system, and improved the supervision of poverty relief funds and projects. Poverty alleviation departments at all levels launched the information entry of the management of poverty alleviation and development funds and projects in 2015 and 2016.
    Completed the development of the poverty alleviation and development data application and business analysis and presentation system, achieved poverty alleviation and development data mining through the construction of data warehouse, and presented the data in the form of chart, not only enriching the ways of presenting poverty alleviation and development data, but also providing data support for poverty alleviation and development decision-making. 
    Based on the situation of poverty reduction objects and the dynamic management information, we developed various statistical statements for different indicators, established a platform for the data exchange and business cooperation between industrial sectors and grassroots poverty alleviation departments, and achieved the data exchange of seven ministries and 10 provinces, promoting the targeted poverty alleviation work of industrial sectors. 
    In order to improve the efficiency of poverty alleviation and development, realize LGOP’s remote control of the grassroots poverty alleviation work, and reduce the burden on provincial poverty alleviation departments for attending meetings in Beijing, we launched the construction of the national poverty alleviation and development command and control center and the national poverty alleviation and development video conference system. After the system construction, LGOP organized and held dozens of video conferences through the system. 
    Construction of City Disaster Recovery Center. Through“double live”mode, we constructed the city disaster recovery center and data center of the national poverty alleviation and development system. The two centers are mutual backup so that they can help each other in case of an outage due to failure, achieving uninterrupted operation of the national poverty alleviation and development information subsystem. 
    (Gong Ke, Information Center of LGOP)
    【Make government affairs public】 In 2016, LGOP conscientiously implemented the spirit of the“Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Government Information Disclosure”and the requirements of the“Notice of the General Office of the State Council on the Issuance of Key Points of Government Information Disclosure in 2016”, the“Rules for the Implementation of the ‘Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting Government Information Disclosure’ of the General Office of the State Council”, focusing on the key work of poverty reduction, and made public the poverty reduction deployments and policy measures, safeguarding the people’s right to know, right of participation, right of expression and right supervision. At the beginning of 2016, the“Implementation Plan of LGOP for Government Information Disclosure in 2016”was issued, which made deployments for making annual government affairs public. At the end of 2016, we issued the“Work Plan of LGOP for Promoting the ‘Internet + Government Service’”and make clear the task of quarterly work in 2017. At the same time, we continued to strengthened the verification of the information disclosed at the portal website, steadily pushed forward the government information disclosure, and achieved remarkable results.
    Ⅰ. The Situation of Government Information Disclosure
    In 2016, LGOP took the initiative to disclose a total of 418 pieces of government information, up 223% over 2015, covering all information involved. Among the information disclosed, 200 was dynamic work information, 4 was statistics information, 4 was project management information, 12 was about planning, 68 was about international cooperation, 108 was about social poverty alleviation, and 20 was other information, accounting for 47.85%, 0.96%, 1.43%, 6.42%, 16.27%, 25.83% and 4.78% respectively. No application for information disclosure was received. No fee collection or reduction due to the application of information disclosure was found, and there was not any administrative reconsideration or administrative litigation arising from information disclosure.
    Ⅱ. Main Work and Results
    (Ⅰ)Strengthen basic institutional construction. First, constructing the portal website to prom-
    ote government information publicity. Further optimized the structure, enriched the content, combined with the central task of poverty alleviation and development at the new stage, highlighted the key work of targeted poverty alleviation, improved column design, and increased website functions. Second, making clear the key points of the annual work and making deployments for the work. Formulated the“Implementation Plan of LGOP for Government Information Disclosure in 2016”, made deployments for the annual government information disclosure work, focusing on the disclosure of poverty relief work information, improved the government information disclosure work, and increased efforts for the work. Third, strengthening the convergence between government affairs publicity and the Internet. Vigorously promoted the“Internet plus government services”in the field of poverty alleviation, organized the implementation of the“Work Plan of LGOP for Promoting the ‘Internet + Government Service’”and achieved good results. 
    (Ⅱ)Take the initiative to disclose key information. First, disclosing information of department budget, final accounts and three public expenditure information: disclosed LGOP’s department budget in 2016 and department final accounts in 2015 in a timely manner. Second, intensified the disclosure of hotspot information: timely responded to the public opinions on the issuance of the“Opinions concerning the Establishment of Poverty Exit Mechanism”, the award selection and Li Baoguo’s poverty alleviation deeds. Third, further strengthening news release: opened special columns at the website to announce major events or policies in order to make policy release more systematic, more targeted and more readable. In 2016, a total of six press conferences and four media forums were held to timely respond to social concerns, answer questions about poverty reduction and announce the progress in key work. Fourth, strengthening the interaction of government information disclosure. On January 4, 2016, the online processing platform of LGOP“Director Mailbox”was officially put into operation. As of December 31, 2016, it had received a total of 687 letters, of which 476 were about LGOP affairs. We conducted corresponding treatment for different affairs, winning praise from all circles of society. 
    (Ⅲ)Do a good job of policy information disclosure. Timely disclosure of relevant information, interpretation of policies and response to concerns improved the timeliness and authority of government affairs publicity. 2016 is the first year for comprehensive implementation of the spirit of the central poverty alleviation work conference and for winning the battle against poverty.  LGOP made a good start this year, publicly issued a total of 61 pro-poor policy documents of central departments, vigorously intensified poverty alleviation policy advocacy, and played a positive role in accepting social supervision and accelerating the formulation of relevant policies.
    (Wei Fei, Department of General Affairs of LGOP)
    【Briefing & Information】“Poverty Alleviation Information”and“Poverty Alleviation Briefing”are important carriers for recording the work and process of poverty alleviation and development, an important reference for scientific decision-making, monitoring aids for policy implementation, communication links between departments at all levels, and an important platform for promoting communication. Doing a good job of poverty alleviation information release is conducive to a timely, accurate and comprehensive understanding of the progress in poverty alleviation and promoting exchange of experience and information sharing. It is a strong support for promoting poverty alleviation and a necessary requirement to win the tough battle against poverty.
    LGOP has attached great importance to poverty alleviation information release, put the work in a prominent position, and designated specialized departments to take charge of it. In 2016, LGOP submitted 35 special reports on poverty alleviation to General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC and the General Office of the State Council, of which nine were adopted by the Information Division of the General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC and the Information Division of No.2 Secretary Bureau of the General Office of the State Council; compiled and printed a total of 64“briefings on poverty alleviation”and 280“poverty alleviation information”, and the central leaders gave instructions to 18 of them. Also, a large number of briefings were forwarded by provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) for study and reference as an important way for poverty alleviation departments to understand and guide anti-poverty work, and played an important role in the poverty reduction. 
    Local governments further strengthened the construction of cadre teams for information work, established the information liaison system, and increased efforts for information collection and reporting, accumulating rich experience.
    First, attaching great importance to the work. The provincial leaders and the principals of poverty alleviation offices all attach great importance to poverty alleviation publicity, and some provincial Party and government leaders personally got involved and put forward requirements for the work. The provincial Party leaders of Sichuan gave instructions to the poverty alleviation publicity work, requiring relevant departments to summarize and popularize the relevant experience and practices. The provincial government leaders of Shandong have repeatedly given instructions to the publicity of poverty alleviation. The director general of the provincial poverty alleviation office personally took charge of the poverty alleviation information work and carefully reviewed the submitted reports, and the deputy director general directly contacted LGOP for information sharing. The director generals of the provincial poverty alleviation offices of Hunan and Guizhou personally got involved and appointed the director generals of city and county poverty alleviation offices as the first responsible persons of the poverty alleviation publicity work. Hebei, Chongqing and Sichuan also combined information work with the business work, made unified deployments and pushed forward the work synchronously. Hebei, Anhui, Hubei, Guangdong, Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai, Guangxi and Xinjiang all further strengthened the data collecting and editing work, and submitted a large number of high-quality manuscripts to LGOP, many of which were adopted by LGOP. 
    Second, work team construction. Local governments continued to strengthen the construction of information work institutions and cadre team. Shandong Province strengthened the system of information liaison officers and registered 257 information liaison officers in the whole province, achieving the full coverage of poverty alleviation information work in the province and all the cities, counties and towns of the province. In Hebei Province, propaganda departments are responsible for information briefing, the provincial, city and county governments all set up the leading groups for poverty alleviation briefing work with main leaders as the heads. Sichuan Province set up the information briefing group in the Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office, appointed one or two comrades of poverty alleviation offices at all levels and one comrade of each division of the Provincial Poverty Alleviation and Immigration Bureau to take charge of the poverty alleviation publicity work, and incorporated the website, micro-blog and WeChat management personnel and relevant magazine editors into the list of poverty alleviation information workers. 
    Third, capacity building. Specialized trainings of information service for poverty alleviation were held nationwide, and information work was also regarded as an important part of various kinds of trainings. The relevant departments put forth effort to enhance the information acquisition, editing and delivery capability. Guangxi holds two trainings of poverty alleviation information publicity every year and organizes the relevant cadres and information workers of various divisions of the regional poverty alleviation offices and the city and county poverty alleviation offices to take part in the training. In April 2016, Yunnan held in Shanghai a training of poverty alleviation information publicity, and 100 backbone information workers of the poverty alleviation departments in the province attended the event. Shaanxi, Gansu and Qinghai also held different types of trainings at all levels.
    Fourth, strengthening assessment. Local governments incorporated information work into the coverage of overall work performance assessment and formulated incentive measures to mobilize the enthusiasm of the information working cadres and improve the quality of the work. Hainan rewards outstanding information workers annually and gives a notified criticism to those lagging behind in the work. Shandong makes regular statistics and quarterly reports, carries out year-end assessment and announces the assessment results to the“top leaders”of various departments at all levels. Hunan set an indicator of“poverty alleviation advocacy”in the assessment of anti-poverty work with a weight of 2%, and takes information work as an important part of the assessment. The assessment is carried out every year and the results are directly linked to the provincial departments’ annual evaluation of poverty alleviation work, assessment of progress in building an overall well-off society and performance evaluation. Qinghai has established a commendation and reward system and incorporated information work into the coverage of propaganda evaluation, commending and rewarding outstanding journalists, correspondents and relevant workers jointly with the provincial propaganda department and provincial Journalists Association.
    In order to implement the spirit of the east-west pairing-off poverty alleviation conference and the special meeting of the State Council Leading Group of Poverty Alleviation and Development, and further promote the poverty reduction supervision and publicity work, from September 6 to September 9, 2016, LGOP held in Nanchong of Sichuan the“National Poverty Alleviation Supervision and Information Work Training Course”, which was attended by relevant leaders and comrades of the poverty alleviation offices of 28 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the relevant cooperative departments of 13 eastern provinces (municipalities). Relevant comrades of the Information Office of the General Office of CPC Central Committee were invited to give lectures at the event, and relevant principals of Nanchong Poverty Alleviation and Immigration Bureau introduced the local unannounced investigation into poverty alleviation. Relevant representatives of Anhui, Shandong, Chongqing, Sichuan and Qinghai Province exchanged ideas on the supervision of poverty alleviation and information work. During the training, the participants carried out field survey in Anxichao Village of Xinzheng Town, Yilong County, Chunyangshan Village and Fengkanmiao Village of Dayan Town, Nanbu County, and the Baigonglibai Village Peach Industry Park in Xichong County, etc. 
    (Wei Fei, Department of General Affairs of LGOP)


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