To celebrate the 19th International Day for Poverty Eradication, the Global Poverty Reduction and Development Forum was held at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing on October 17, 2011. With the theme of “Improving People’s Well-being and Accelerating Sustainable Poverty Reduction”, this year’s Forum was hosted by China’s State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development (LGOP) and the United Nations System in China, and organized by the International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC) and the United Nation Development Programme (UNDP). H.E. Mr. Hui Liangyu, Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Vice Premier of the State Council, and Head of the State Council Leading Group of Poverty Alleviation(the Leading Group), addressed the Forum and awarded the winners of Youcheng Poverty Reduction Research Award. H.E. Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator and Under- Secretary General of the United Nations addressed the Forum. Mr. Fan Xiaojian, Director (Minister) of LGOP and Vice Head of the Leading Group, delivered a keynote speech. Also present at the Forum were more than 300 representatives from Chinese and foreign government authorities, international organizations, foreign embassies in China, research institutes, media and civil society organizations (including 16 ministerial officials and one Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics), all involved in the discussion of how to achieve sustainable poverty reduction.

● Highlight the most recent development trends related to human development and poverty reduction;
● Highlight the challenges that current growth models are facing, in particular regarding the issues of sustainability and inequalities and explore ways to improve the quality of growth, people’s well-being and poverty reduction in China and the world;
● Promote international cooperation and exchange of information and experience in relation to improving people’s well-being and sustainable poverty reduction;
● Explore the role of government and civil society in developing pro-poor approaches in the areas of social policy, social management, as well as resource management and distribution;
● Mark the International Day of Poverty Eradication (October 17th) by raising domestic and international public awareness and promoting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Opening Ceremony

H.E. Mr. Hui Liangyu, Member of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier, and Head of the Leading Group, addressed the Forum.
H.E. Vice Premier Hui pointed out in his remarks that it’s China’s unswerving goal to improve people’s well-being and overcome poverty. 2011 is a critical year that China will start to implement the Outline for Development-oriented Poverty Reduction for China’s Rural Areas (2011-2020) in which the objectives for the coming ten years are resolute and clear - by 2020, the poor people’s basic needs for food and clothing will be secured and their access to compulsory education, medical care and housing be provided in a sustainable way, thus laying foundation for the building of a well-off society

H.E. Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator and Under- Secretary General of the United Nations, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, highlighting the need for learning from China's experience for global poverty reduction.

Vice Premier Hui Liangyu met with dignitaries before the Forum Panel Discussion: The Emerging Economies and Global Change

Mr. Fan Xiaojian, Director (Minister) of LGOP, gave a keynote speech at the Forum where he stressed the shifted focus of China’s poverty alleviation efforts, from addressing the poor’s basic needs for food and non-food to securing previous achievements, accelerating the pace of poverty reduction, improving the environment, increase development capacities and narrowing development disparities.

Prof. James Mirrlees, Nobel Prize Laureate in Economic Sciences (1996), Chinese University of Hong Kong, gave a keynote speech at the Forum, providing a perspective of multi-dimensional understanding and reduction of poverty.

Mr. Jomo Sundaram, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development in UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), delivered a keynote speech at the Forum, presenting the situation of poverty and inequity on a global scale.

Ms. Wang Yuan, Chief Economist at China Development Bank, with a case study on CDB, talked about how financial agencies could make bigger contributions to poverty reduction in the keynote speech session.

Dr. Zhang Bo, Vice President of Chongqing Academy of Social Sciences, elaborated on the Chongqing case of “narrowing disparity for common prosperity”.
Parallel Session A: Macro-planning for the Empowerment of the Poor
Topics: Financial policy reform to promote inclusive development and poverty reduction; Assessment of public services for the poor; Urbanization and urban poverty: ways to meet the poor’s needs.
Parallel Session B: Social Policies and Social Management for Improving Overall Well-being
Topics: Social security and inclusive growth; Policies for poverty reduction and health reform in poverty-stricken areas; Children’s development, education and poverty reduction.

Mr. Cyprian Fisiy, Director, Social Development Bureau of the World Bank, delivered a closing speech at the plenary session.
Mr. Zheng Wenkai, Deputy Director (Vice Minister) of LGOP wrapped up the Forum at the Closing Ceremony.
Theme Report of the Forum: Research on Public Policies for Pro-poor Growth
● Chapter 1. Strategy for Avoiding the "Middle-income Trap"
● Chapter 2. Fiscal and Taxation Policy Conducive to Poverty Reduction and Green Growth
● Chapter 3. Pro-poor Distributive Policies in China
● Chapter 4. Social Policies Beneficial to Poverty Alleviation:
● China’s Experience and Future Strategic Alternatives
● Chapter 5. Analysis of the Impact of China’s Monetary Policies on Income Distribution and Poverty Reduction
● Chapter 6. Low-carbon Poverty Alleviation: Opportunities, Challenges and Policy Recommendations