1. Hangzhou Declaration was passed at the Hangzhou International Congress with the theme “Culture: Key to Sustainable Development”. In view of the post-2015 UN global development framework and goals on sustainable development, the Hangzhou Declaration calls on governments and policy-makers to place culture at the
    c e n t e r  o f  t h e i r  s u s t a i n a b l e  d e v e l o p m e n t  p o l i c i e s .  T h e  d e c l a r a t i o n  e mp h a s i z e s  c u l t u r e ’ s role in poverty reduction and inclusive economic growth, and proposes the inclusion of a specific goal on culture into the post-2015 UN development agenda.
    Source: Zhejiang Online, May 17, 2013
    2. Finance authorities of Jinshan District in Shanghai increased investment in medical care for rural population. In order to provide better medical care for farmers and reduce their medical expenses, finance authorities of Jinshan at both district and town levels increased investments in rural medical care, further improved the care quality and upgrade the financial subsidy level of the new rural cooperative medical care system. First, in terms of the upgrading of the financial subsidy level, the per capita ratio in the new rural cooperative medical fund reached 1680 yuan and per capita financial subsidy was raised from 960 yuan to 1080 yuan. Second, the government continued to provide subsidies on medical insurance for people above 60,t h o s e l i v i n g o n m i n i m u m s u b s i s t e n c e a l l o w a n c e s a n d t h o s e l i v i n g o n “ f i v e -g u a r a n t e e ”allowances. Third, more aids were given to poor patients with serious diseases. Fourth,the fund was better supervised and managed.
    Source: sh.eastday.com, May 16, 2013
    3. Hainan Province reduces poverty through industrialization. Till now, Hainan Province has lifted 60,000 people out of poverty through developing pillar industries in poor villages. In recent years, Hainan optimized its industrial structure by relying mainly on agriculture while developing forestry with subsidies. Following the principle
    o f  “ g r o w i n g  c r o p s  w h e r e  i t  i s  s u i t a b l e  a n d  r a i s i n g  l i v e s t o c k  w h e r e  i t  i s  s u i t a b l e ” ,Hainan helped farmers to find pillar industries fit for local conditions so as to adjust and upgrade the industry structure in poverty-stricken areas. With crop farming, f o r e s t r y  a n d  s t o c k r a i s i n g ,  a n  i n d u s t r y  d e v e l o p m e n t  p a t t e r n  o f  “ o n e  o r  s e v e r a l  v i l l a g e s
    1 A phrase referring to the State guarantee on proper food, clothing, medical care, housing and funeral expenses
    for residents.h a v i n g  a  f e a t u r e d  p r o d u c t ,  o n e  o r  s e v e r a l  t o w n s h i p s  h a v i n g  a  f e a t u r e d  i n d u s t r y ”  w a s quickly established. Besides rubber, betel and green orange, ganoderma lucidum, bamboo and rattan, and rare breeds of trees are also prioritized and developed. The government also helped poor farmers to grow South China medicinal plants including nauclea officinalis, bishop-wort and bitter cardamon to provide raw materials for
    pharmaceutical factories. In live farming, apart from supporting traditional stock raising, the government helped establish pilots of bee keeping and Limu pheasant breeding in Qiongzhong County, in the hope of popularizing them in mountainous
    areas in the near future.
    Source: China Economic Times, May 24, 2013
    4. Better financial services are needed for poverty reduction. In spite of constant efforts, financial services in poverty-stricken areas still lag far behind the needs of industry development. First, the supply of funding capital is still insufficient. Second,i t ’ s  h a r d  f o r  f a r m e r s  a n d  v i l l a g e  e n t e r p r i s e s  t o  g e t  t h e  l o a n s  s i n c e  t h e  t h r e s h o l d  o f financial institutions is too high and the approval procedures are too complicated. Third, relevant laws, regulations and policies need to be further improved. To upgrade the financial services in poor areas is still an important task for poverty reduction through industrialization.
    Source: China Net, May 22, 2013
    5. A pattern of “great poverty reduction” formed in Baotou city, featuring the inter-linkage of special poverty reduction, industry-based poverty reduction and society-based poverty reduction. In recent years, Baotou city has made great efforts to develop local economy and advantageous industries with local features, and to reinforce the work in key poverty reduction projects, targeting impoverished counties and villages, and areas with concentrated poverty. A s  a  r e s u l t ,  a  n e w  p a t t e r n o f  “ g r e a t p o v e r t y  r e d u c t i o n ”  f e a t u r i n g  t h e  i n t e r -linkage of special poverty reduction,industry-based poverty reduction and society-based poverty reduction has been formed.The special poverty reduction is aimed at accelerating the development of poverty-stricken areas, the industry-based poverty reduction is meant to improve the efficiency of poverty reduction funds, and the society-based poverty reduction strives
    to help build a comprehensive support network.
    Source: Xinhua Net May 20,2013
    6. “Helping Impoverished Disabled People”—theme of the 23 rd National Day of Persons with Disabilities which falls on May 19 th , 2013. The number of disabled people in China now has reached 85 million, among whom more than 15 million are living below the national poverty line, taking up 12% of the total population living in poverty, according to the latest data released by the China Disabled Persons Federation (CDPF). The life of disabled poor is receiving more and more attention in recent years.O n  a  r e c e n t  p l e n a r y  c o n f e r e n c e ,  t h e  D i s a b l e d  P e r s o n s ’  Wo r k  C o m m i t t e e  o f  t h e  S t a t e Council said China will, working within the framework of objectives of building a
    social security system and service system for disabled people, give more emphasis to poverty reduction and employment for the disabled, especially the poor rural disabled.
    Source: Chinanews Net May 19, 2013
    7. Guangzhou (Guangdong Province) initiated the 2013-2015 phase of poverty reduction work at a recent meeting on accelerating the development of north mountainous areas of Guangzhou. Efforts in the new phase are set to raise the
    average per capita income of the aided households living in relative poverty to a level over 10,000 yuan, and the average income of aided rural collective economic communities living in relative poverty to over 300,000 yuan. The poverty reduction work will not only be carried out on a constant and regular basis, but will also transform from being subsistence-oriented to development-oriented. In line with the recently announced Suggestions on Poverty Reduction Works in Rural Areas of Guangzhou, this year, the per capita annual income threshold for households to be classified as being in relative poverty will be raised from 5000 yuan to 7560 yuan,parallel to the threshold of being covered by the system of subsistence allowances for the rural poor. The annual income threshold for collective economic communities to be classified as being in relative poverty will also be raised, from 80,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan. According to preliminary estimation, the new criteria will put around 64,000 people or 25,000 households in relative poverty.
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    Poverty Reduction Center of Beijing Normal University


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